Our Projects
See below for a snapshot of our recent projects.

Annual 'Titanga' Night Stalk
Held every September or April in the school holidays, this event always attracts a crowd. Beginning with a BBQ, ending with toasted marshmellows and time for a spotlight walk in between. The night is held at local property 'Titanga' and gives everyone a chance to see what comes out after dark.

Wildflower walk
Chatsworth Rd, Derrinallum is home to a selection of the Victorian Volcanic Plains grasslands wildflowers which once covered the Wester District of Victoria. Each year a grasslands walk is held for those interested in learning about our native grasslands and the identification of plants

Waterway protection, linking and restoration project
CCMA funding enabled the fencing and re-vegetatation of a 5km stretch of the Woady Yaloak River which included an area of significant grasslands. The planting of 6000 tubestock protected habitat for threatened species such as the growling grass frog, and improves water quality in waterways and RAMSAR lakes by excluding stock and filtering runoff entering the river.

Waterbug blitz at Browns Water Holes
This school holiday activity introduced families to the fascinating world of waterbugs in our local creek. CMA Waterwatch officer Diedre showed kids how to collect invertebrate samples and took them through the ID process, determining which are beneficial and how they indicate the health of our waterway.