Environmental DNA (eDNA) testing of Mount Emu Creek
January 2021
This project, completed in January 2021, developed a vertebrate inventory of Mt Emu Creek and local wetlands. Water samples were extracted from 33 sites along Mount Emu Creek between Darlington and Skipton to survey for vertebrate species. Local schools, community members and landholders participated as citizen scientists to assist with sampling.
Over 50 species were detected in the waterway including, 11 fish species (mainly eel and pygmy perch), 4 amphibians (Banjo frog, spotted marsh frog, growling grass frog and Sudells frog), 18 bird species, 16 mammals (notably platypus and rakali (native water rat)) and 1 reptile (eastern long necked tortoise). The platypus population was found scattered fairly evening along the length of Mount Emu Creek that was tested.